
第11辑(总第28辑)6. Arbitrability of PPP Contract Disputes in China & Implications on Belt & Road Projects: Understanding the PRC Supreme Court’s Judicial Interpretation on Administrative Agreement Cases / 陈奕宇,陈君恒,马建英第11辑(总第28辑)6. Arbitrability of PPP Contract

작성일 : 22.11.04 15:14 | 조회 : 1,133
  1. 글쓴이 : 중한연구학…
  2.  112806.pdf (1.6M) [3] DATE : 2022-11-04 15:14:41
  3. 第11辑(总第28辑)6. Arbitrability of PPP Contract Disputes in China & Implications on Belt & Road Projects: Understanding the PRC Supreme Court’s Judicial Interpretation on Administrative Agreement Cases / 陈奕宇,陈君恒,马建英



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