
第12辑(总第29辑)8. Urbanization and Economic inequality in China(179-194)/ Chi Gong

작성일 : 23.01.06 19:59 | 조회 : 1,101
  1. 글쓴이 : 중한연구학…
  2.  Urbanization_and_Economic_inequality_in_China(179-194).pdf (2.0M) [11] DATE : 2023-01-06 19:59:10
  3. 第12辑(总第29辑)8. Urbanization and Economic inequality in China(179-194)/ Chi Gong

    In recent years, urbanization has stimulated the development of human resources, capital investment, and consumption, which has significantly contributed to China's economic development. However, with rapid economic growth, the income distribution in China has become more unequal. To further explore the correlation between urbanization and the gap between the rich and the poor, this paper extends the Solow economic growth model, derives the mechanism of the urban-rural income gap based on Cobb-Douglas production functions, and conducts panel regression analysis.



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