
第16輯(總第33輯)8.Jurokoreojaponic Language Family Hypo

작성일 : 24.06.01 16:50 | 조회 : 530
  1. 글쓴이 : 중한연구학…
  2.  08_Jurokoreojaponic_Language_Family_Hypothesis_Comparison_of_Manchu_&_Middle_Korean_Vocabulary_for_Reconstruction_of_Common_Linguistic_Ancestry---Alaric_Naudé.pdf (7.0M) [10] DATE : 2024-06-01 16:50:30
  3. The paper approaches language reconstruction based the hypothetical framework that assumes that Mohe tribal languages and Old Korean dialects and tribal language clusters from Yamaek, Goguryeo and Silla dynasty are inter-related and that Japonic languages may have originally developed on the peninsula and be distantly related based on grammatical structure and root vocabulary. This is a hypothetical Jurokoreojaponic language family that has also been directly influenced by various Sinitic and Mongolic languages.It will discuss the relationship between the vocabulary of Mohe derived Manchu lexicon when compared to the existent Old Korean and Middle Korean. Further it looks at the consonant and vowel shifts and historical events that may have happened between Mohe and Yemaek language clusters that gave rise to divergent evolution. It concludes that Manchu and Korean languages share common origins but also underwent partial linguistic and cultural Mongolisation as well as Sinification under various dynasties.

    Keywords: Manchu, Mohe, Middle Korean, Korean linguistics, historical linguistics, Far East Asia



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