
《한어교학여연구》18집→《中韩研究学刊》第1辑 개판!(다운가능)

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  1. 글쓴이 : 중한연구학…
  2.  중한연구18집.pdf (4.7M) [17] DATE : 2021-02-10 13:09:38
  3. 《한어교학여연구》18집 부터 전면적으로 《중한연구학간(中韩研究学刊)》으로 개판하였습니다.

    자세한 논문은 첨부파일을 확인하세요!!!


    目 录
    1. 原型范畴理论视域下的非典型指示代词研究 / 田宇贺 ……………………… 7
    2. 汉韩双音节倒序词的语义对比研究 / 徐海宁 …………………………………… 31
    3. 韩国学生中级写作偏误及教学策略浅析 / 荆琳 ………………………………… 55
    4. 关于韩国汉语学院成人高级口语教学的探索
    ——以首尔孔子学院汉语高级口语课为例 / 隽娅玮 ……………………… 70
    5. 中韓文化交流中同名都市的作用研究——以江陵為中心
    / 李燕 ……………………………………………………………………………… 81
    6. 韩国人对中国的理解——以韩国青年群体为主的调查报告
    / 韩国外国语大学孔子学院 …………………………………………………… 109
    7. 中国研究生奖助体制优化与核心竞争力培养论略 / 董芬、彭静 ………… 148
    8. 從國史起點的定位比較安鼎福《東史綱目》與朱熹
    《資治通鑑綱目》的正統論 / 姚彥淇 ……………………………………… 165
    9. 章樵注本《古文苑》考辨——兼論其對漢賦輯集的意義
    / 潘銘基 ………………………………………………………………………… 179
    10. 流轉不絕的齒輪──從宗教碑銘看宋代福建僧俗的互動關係
    / 葉德平 ………………………………………………………………………… 211
    11. 王夫之的“蔽屈子一言曰‘忠’論” / 丁海玲 ……………………………… 228
    12.“越軌”的書寫 文本的“斷裂”——再論蕭紅其人及其文學世界
    / 高建惠 ………………………………………………………………………… 244
    13. 一带一路背景下中国引进FDI决定因素的实证研究
    / 代云海,李瑞峰,徐亚楠 ……………………………………………………… 273
    / 徐百超,周文龙,赵帅,马晓 ………………………………………………… 287
    15. 한중 FTA 비관세장벽이 양국 농산물 무역에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증연구
    - TBT와 SPS 중심으로- / 金旭,王卿 …………………………………………… 304



    1. Research on Atypical Demonstrative Pronouns from the Perspective of
    Prototype Category Theory / Tian Yuhe …………………………………………… 7
    2. Comparison of two syllables inverted words between Chinese and Korean
    / Xu Haining ………………………………………………………………………… 31
    3. An Analysis on Korean Students' Intermediate Writing Errors and Teaching
    Strategies / Jing Lin …………………………………………………………………… 55
    4. To Explore the Teaching of Adult Advanced Chinese Speaking in South Korea’s
    Academy of Chinese —— A Case Study of Chinese Advanced
    Speaking Course in Seoul Confucius Academy / Juan Yawei ……………… 70
    5. A Study on the Role of Namesake Cities in the Cultural Communication
    between China and Korea: Focused on Jiangling / Li Yan ……………………… 81
    6. How does citizen of republic of Korea understand China?—— A survey
    mainly based on youth group / Confucius Institute at Hankuk University
    of Foreign Studies …………………………………………………………… 109
    7. A Brief Analysis on System Optimization of Postgraduate Scholarship
    and Grants and Postgraduate Core Competence Cultivation
    / Dong Fen, Peng Jing …………………………………………………………… 148
    8. A Comparative Study of the Theory of Legitimacy in An Ding-Fu’s
    “Dong Shi Kang-Mu” and Ju Si’s “Zi Zhi Tong Jian Kang-Mu” from
    Historical Perspectives / Yao Yen-Chi ……………………………………… 165
    9. A Study of the Zhang Qiao’s edition of Gu Wen Yuan
    / Poon Ming Kay …………………………………………………………… 179
    10. A study on the “Interactive Relationship” between Fujian monk and people
    in the Song Dynasty from the religious inscriptions / Yip Tak-ping ……… 211
    11. The Study on Wang Fuzhi’ s Comment about Qu Yuan’ Loyalty
    / Ding hailing ……………………………………………………………… 228
    12. Transcendental Writing and Textual Fracture:A re-exploration of
    Xiao Hong and her literary world / Gao Jianhui …………………………… 244
    13. Background of One Belt One Road in China
    / Dai Yunhai, Li Ruifeng, Xu Yanan ……………………………………… 273
    14. Present situation and countermeasure of health industry development in
    Hainan under the background of "the healthy China 2030"
    / Xu Baichao,Zhou Wenlong,Zhao Shuai,Ma Xiao ………………… 287
    15. An empirical study on the impact of non-tariff barriers to Korea-China FTA
    on agricultural trade--Focused on TBT and SPS / Jin Xun,Wang Qing … 304



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