

작성일 : 22.03.14 10:21 | 조회 : 893
  1. 글쓴이 : 중한연구학…
  2.  중한연구학간_10집__.pdf (3.3M) [11] DATE : 2022-03-14 10:21:02
  3. 目 录

    1. 中韩翻拍类校园剧的情节对比对汉语教学的启示——以《致我们单纯的

    小美好》(中)和《아름다웠던 우리에게》(韩)为例 / 张雪姣 ………………… 7

    2. 曹夏望《续远游赋》研究 / 郜冬杰,贾捷 ……………………………………… 25

    3. 要件审判法与研究生诉讼思维能力的提升路径研究 / 包冰锋,欧阳峻豪 … 41

    4. “十二之心”教育助推医德情感教育高质量发展研究 / 廖淋森,朱凤 …… 63

    5. “诸夏论”的偏狭性:论“大一统”与中华民族复兴的关系 / 叶德平 ……… 79

    6.浅论重言词在中医典籍中的运用 / 王萌,窦川川,李涛安 …………………… 93

    7. 시가에 나타난 황진이의 문학창작 양상-황아의 시가와 비교를 중심으로

    / 崔妙时 ……………………………………………………………………… 105

    8. 通古斯诸族与韩民族萨满成巫过程比较研究 / 苏杭 ……………………… 126

    9. 应急状态下刑事司法政策精准化进路探求——基于最高人民法院新冠肺

    炎疫情犯罪典型案例的实证分析 / 孙旭丽,谭晓文,曹兴华 ……………… 141

    10. 对韩国媒体中“中国游客形象”的分析——以KBS新闻报道

    (1992-2020年)为中心 / 王伟 ……………………………………………… 167

    1. The Enlightenment of the Plot Comparison of Chinese and Korean Remake 
    Campus Dramas on Chinese Teaching / Zhang Xuejiao …………………… 7
    2. Research on Cao Xiawang’s Fu of Xu Yuan You / Gao Dongjie, Jia Jie …… 25
    3. Research on the Element Trial Method and the Improvement Path of 
    Postgraduates’ Litigation Thinking Ability / Bao Bingfeng, OuyangJunhao … 41
    4. “Twelve Hearts” Education Boosts the High-quality Development of 
    Medical Ethics and Emotional Education / Liao Linsen,Zhu Feng ……… 63
    5. The Narrowness of “Zhu-xia Theory”: On the Relationship between “Great 
    Unification” and the revival of the Chinese Nation / YIP, Tak Ping ………… 79
    6. The Application of Reduplication in Traditional Chinese Medical Classics 
    / Wang Meng, Du Chuanchuan, Li Taoan ………………………………… 93
    7. The Characteristics of Literary Creation in Huang Zhenyi ‘ s Poems
    - - Focusing on the comparison with Huang E ‘s poetry creation 
    / Cui Miaoshi ……………………………………………………………… 105
    8. Comparing The Generation Mechanism Of The Tungusic Nationalities 
    And The Korean Shaman / Su Hang ……………………………………… 126
    9. Study On the Precision of Criminal Justice Policies in the State of 
    Emergency / Sun Xuli,Tan Xiaowen,Cao Xinghua …………………… 141
    10. “Images of Chinese Tourists” in KBS News——Based on The Analysis of 
    Reports from 1992 to 2020 / Wang Wei ………………………………… 167



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