
第15輯(總第32輯)1. Research on International Chinese Education from an Economic Perspective

작성일 : 24.01.10 15:28 | 조회 : 1,214
  1. 글쓴이 : 중한연구학…
  2.  1._Research_on_International_Chinese_Education_from_an_Economic_Perspective.pdf (1.9M) [9] DATE : 2024-01-10 15:28:42
  3.   With the globalization of the economy and the rise of China, the significance of Chinese as an essential tool for international communication is receiving increasing attention. This paper aims to analyze the role and impact of international Chinese education in the economic realm, providing a theoretical foundation and empirical case studies for relevant research.Firstly, this paper will introduce the background of economic globalization and the emerging trend of regionalization, along with the growth and transformation of the demand for Chinese language education. It will delve into the influence of economic factors on the demand for Chinese education.Secondly, through case studies and empirical analysis, the paper will discuss the mpact of international Chinese education on economic development, particularly in the realms of international trade and cross-border investment. It will explore how Chinese education facilitates business cooperation, expands markets, and enhances economic benefits. Lastly, the paper will examine the opportunities and challenges in the international Chinese education market in the era of artificial intelligence.



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