
第16輯(總第33輯)4. The Future Financial Trends from the

작성일 : 24.06.01 16:44 | 조회 : 569
  1. 글쓴이 : 중한연구학…
  2.  04_The_Future_Financial_Trends_from_the_Perspective_of_Immigration_Policies_in_Hong_Kong_and_Singapore---Shaojin_Bai,_Yunhai_Dai,_Yong_Moon,_Yanan_Xu.pdf (334.4K) [6] DATE : 2024-06-01 16:44:24
  3. Immigration, as the most significant means for people to pursue development, change their residential locations, and facilitate global population mobility, has undergone several changes in terms of scale, timing, and methods. Apart from large-scale migrations in various historical periods, recent immigration trends have been influenced by a combination of factors such as individual preferences and national policies. It also reflects one of the ultimate manifestations of how countries and regions compete for talent acquisition strategies and outcomes. New York and London, as established financial centers with historical backgrounds and well-established systems, are widely recognized as world-class financial hubs. Hong Kong and Singapore, closely trailing behind in the race of financial center cities, have been consistently striving to catch up and compete. Governments of each country and region make optimal decisions for their respective best developments. Therefore, we analyze the efforts made by these two cities as financial centers based on the immigration policies targeting high-net-worth individuals introduced in recent years and look forward to the future development trends of urban financial functions. This paper first examines the reasons behind the issuance of immigration policies in different periods in both cities based on their development needs over time. Secondly, it analyzes the comprehensive situations of the economic, cultural, and social aspects in both cities, along with corresponding immigration policies for various situations. Finally, it briefly discusses the scale and quality of immigrant talents and capital attracted by both cities based on their policies, laying the foundation for analyzing the future impact of this accumulation on the financial functions of the two cities.

    Key words: Immigration; Hong Kong; Singapore; Investment; Talen



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